John R. Loper, P.E., CSP
Technical Specialties:
Strategic Planning, Litigation Support, Project Management, Process Design and Evaluation, Liability/Risk Management, Regulatory Agency Negotiations, Permitting and Compliance Audits, Waste Minimization and Control.
Specializes in “visioning” end state for large-scale, complex projects and developing holistic, adaptive technical approaches by integrating investigation needs, feasibility assessments and risk evaluations in a collaborative manner.
Experience Summary:
44 years of experience: President of The Loper Group, Inc.; Executive Vice President of Roux Associates, Inc.; Business Director of FMC Aquifer Remediation Systems and variety of environmental, manufacturing, marketing and safety positions at FMC Corporation.
Directed and served as Principal for CERCLA RI/FS/RD/RA projects, RCRA closures and corrective action program projects, property transfer investigations and cleanups, NPDES audits and compliance support, SARA Title III evaluations, waste minimization and pollution prevention surveys and design evaluations, air permitting and environmental impact studies, emissions control design and operation, HS&E compliance audits, regulatory agency negotiations, and expert witness testimony.
M.S. Chemical Engineering, West Virginia College of Graduate Studies, 1979.
B.S./B.A. Chemical Engineering/Applied Science, Lehigh University, 1973, with Honors.
Professional Engineer (TX, LA, AL, GA, PA, NJ, NY, DE, NC, and OH)
Board Certified Environmental Engineer
Certified Safety Professional
Certified Sustainability Practitioner
ISSP - Certified Sustainability Professional
Licensed Wastewater Treatment System Operator (TX and NJ)
Certified to perform UST Services (TX)
TCEQ Corrective Action Project Manager
29 CFR 1910.120 OSHA HAZWOPER Training
Tau Beta Pi (Engineering Honors Society)
Phi Beta Kappa (National Honors Society)
Who’s Who in Finance and Industry (1993) and in the East (1992)
Professional Affiliations:
National Society of Professional Engineers
American Institute of Chemical Engineers
National Ground Water Association
Environmental Law Institute
American Water Works Association
Water Environment Federation
American Society of Safety Professionals
National Association of Corrosion Engineers
Texas EnviroMentor Volunteer
Association for Conflict Resolution
Construction Specifications Institute
Society of Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry
International Society of Sustainability Professionals
Texas Floodplain Management Association
Real World Tips from a Veteran Oil Marketer, U.S. Oil Week Seminar, 1993
A Guide to ECRA, 1986
In-Situ Treatment of Ground Water, Hazardous Materials Spills Conference, 1986
In-Situ Ground-Water Remediation, Hazpro Conference, 1985
Utilization of a Rural Creek Fishery in Central Alabama, 2012, Risk Analysis, 32: 416–432
Multiple Lines of Evidence Approach for Development of an LNAPL Conceptual Site Model at a former Waste Oil Facility, Battelle Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, 2012
Reference Envelopes and Sediment Toxicity: The Bottom Line? SETAC North America, 35thAnnual Meeting, November 12, 2014
Assessing TEQ Risks at PCB Sites – Who Needs Them? SETAC North America, 35th Annual Meeting, November 13, 2014
Adaptive Site Management for Evaluating Potential Source Control Measures at the Anniston PCB Site, 5th International Symposium on Sediment Management, I2SM, July 12, 2016.
Applying an Evidence-Based Toxicology Approach to an Aquatic PCB Site: Is This Aquatic Ecosystem Really Sick, 9th International Conference on Remediation and Management of Contaminated Sediments, January 12, 2017.
Primum Non Nocere – Fundamentals of Ecological-Driven Remediation, 2017 Alabama Water Resources Conference & Symposium, September 7, 2017.
Growing and Maintaining a Vibrant Watershed Group in North Central Alabama, 2017 Alabama Water Resources Conference & Symposium, September 7, 2017.
Assessing measurable adverse changes to benthic invertebrate communities based on site-specific sediment toxicity testing and community data at the Anniston, Alabama PCB site, Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, September 2017.
Application of a Benthic Impact Model to Assess Potential Risks from Choccolocco Creek Sediment, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America, 38th Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, November 14, 2017. O
Natural Source Zone Depletion of Waste Oil Residuals and Other Constituents at a Superfund Site, Battelle Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, 2018of
Developing a Watershed Group Approach for Invasive Species Management, 2018 Alabama Water Resources Conference & Symposium, September 7, 2018.E
Choccolocco Creek Watershed Conservancy – 60 Years and Growing, 2019 Alabama Water Resources Conference & Symposium, September 5, 2019.n
Key Projects:
- Principal-in-charge for managing on- and off-site RCRA and CERCLA investigation and remediation of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) site in southeastern United States (four Operable Units).
- Former manufacturing site for PCBs
- Surface water transport of PCBs downstream impacting 35 miles of Creek sediments and floodplain soils
- Extensive residential cleanup program
- Baseline Ecological and Human Health Risk Assessments
- Secondary dioxin-like-compound and mercury issues
- Conservation Corridor established to control land use
- Collaborative/adaptive approach to remedy development and implementation
- Natural resource damage considerations and integration with CERCLA
- High-level community involvement and litigation activity
- Principal-in-charge for completion of multi-media Feasibility Study for Superfund Site located in NJ; Post-ROD strategic planning and engineering support for RD/RA implementation.
- Principal-in-charge for strategic partnership with major chemical manufacturer to manage environmental liabilities and reduce remediation costs.
- Principal-in-charge for managing expansion and conversion of captive industrial landfill to approved municipal solid waste landfill, resulting in elimination of closure liability and sale of permitted air space.
- Principal-in-charge for evaluating remedial strategy options for pipeline and storage company in TX.
- Principal-in-charge for design and operation of numerous ground-water, soil and air treatment systems. System components have included ground-water pumping, air sparging, vapor extraction, bioslurping, catalytic/thermal oxidation, ion exchange, UV oxidation, physical/chemical treatment, thermal desorption, and in-situ biological and chemical treatment processes. Constituents treated have included chlorinated solvents, petroleum hydrocarbons, coal tar chemicals, PCB compounds, pesticides, and heavy metals.
- Principal-in-charge for conducting environmental, health and safety compliance audits, SARA Title III evaluations and waste minimization studies for SOCMI clients.
- Principal-in-charge for developing air emission inventories and permitting for batch and continuous chemical, pharmaceutical and heavy manufacturing processes.
- Principal-in-charge for RCRA closure projects, post-closure monitoring programs, corrective action program facility investigations (RFIs), corrective measures studies (CMSs), and remedy implementation projects.
- Principal-in-charge for CERCLA and state-listed site emergency response actions, remedial investigations (RIs), feasibility studies (FSs), remedial designs (RDs), and remedial action (RA) projects for private-sector clients nationwide.
- Principal-in-charge for challenging proposed NPL listings of former chemical manufacturing plant and watershed area under Superfund.
- Principal-in-charge for business acquisition and divestiture due diligence evaluations, property transfer audits, investigations and cleanup programs for chemical, pharmaceutical, petroleum, and manufacturing clients.
- Principal-in-charge for investigation and remediation of petroleum hydrocarbon contamination problems and liability management at more than 50 distribution terminals and retail gasoline stations nationwide.
- Negotiated air, water, and solid/hazardous waste matters with USEPA and regulatory agencies in AL, AK, CA, CT, DE, FL, GA, LA, MA, MD, NC, NJ, NY, OH, PA, SC and TX.
- Provided litigation support and expert witness testimony for private-party suits and insurance matters involving the release, fate and transport of hazardous materials.
- Served as testifying expert in patent claim dispute regarding in situ oxidation technologies.
- Directed new business venture to develop and commercialize in-situ biological and chemical treatment technologies for contaminated soils and ground water.
- Conducted health and safety audits and process hazard reviews for 21 mining, chemical, manufacturing, and distribution facilities throughout the United States.
- Directed technical support for start-up of $10MM pollution abatement project to meet NPDES discharge requirements at a chemical manufacturing facility.
- Principal-in-charge for design and construction of constructed wetlands systems to passively treat industrial wastes.
- Principal-in-charge for conducting OSHA Process Safety Management (PSM) and Mechanical Integrity (MI) audits at chemical manufacturing facilities.
- Principal-in-charge for completing Feasibility Study for LNAPL remediation at petroleum storage site in NY.