Here's what some of our clients and colleagues have to say about us:
""The Loper Group’s technical excellence, practical experience, and client responsiveness is unsurpassed especially in this business minded world that we have to navigate. While providing services on my projects, I have been impressed with the superior value they consistently provided in the areas of insightful strategic planning, problem identification, problem analyses, problems solving and management. I would recommend The Loper Group to anyone because they will perform services with integrity, professionalism, reliability and superior quality."
-Gayle Macolly
Remediation Services Manager
Eastman Chemical Company
"The Loper Group has consistently provided quality services in the areas of environmental regulatory, remedial strategy, and technical research over the years. Their strength has been in responsiveness, outside of the box strategic thinking and client advocacy."
- Richard Steinberg
Kinder Morgan
“Over the past three years, our firm has worked closely and collaboratively with The Loper Group on a large CERCLA multi-media feasibility study in New Jersey and on CERCLA investigation and remediation activities for PCB off-site contamination in the southeastern U.S. We have always found The Loper Group personnel to be collaborative team players, always well prepared, and ready to provide their decades of regulatory, consulting, design, and construction experience to benefit their projects. They have done an outstanding job serving in the role of Project Coordinator for the southeastern U.S. project, working with the client to establish the project strategy and goals, assembling and directing an integrated team of technical consultants, leading regulatory negotiations, and managing the integrated team to meet project delivery, schedule, and cost milestones. I’ve enjoyed and benefited from working with The Loper Group and highly recommend them.”
- Rudy Bonaparte, Ph.D., P.E.
Chairman and Senior Principal
Geosyntec Consultants, Inc
Endorsing the The Loper Group is an easy task in a complex world. They have been leaders in achieving sustainable solutions their entire careers as they are committed to a holistic approach of understanding and managing environmental problems in a sustainable manner.
I have over 30 years of experience working with John Loper in many capacities on complex environmental problems and projects. He brings a fresh and open mind to understanding all projects and challenges. In addition, he actively develops a detailed knowledge of the key factors. This approach is resonated by Tom Loper and professional personnel they engage as part of their team. The result is well defined decision-making in a sustainable business context. They are well experienced in sustaining their vision through the implementation of solutions, including adaptively adjusting as the balance of economic, social and environmental conditions changes over time.
To conclude, I endorse The Loper Group as an exceptional firm that will remain a leader in sustainable solutions at remediation sites as well as other complex environmental projects.
-Peter Brussock, Ph.D., AICP
Vice President/Managing Partner of The ELM Group, Inc.